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  3. Cloud Storage Unsupported File and Folder Names

Cloud Storage Unsupported File and Folder Names



To maintain compatibility with Windows’ file naming conventions, Egnyte does not support file and folder names which include the following characters or have any of the specified naming patterns:

 \  /  ”   :  < >  |  *  ?  

  • end with period(s)
  • begin or end with spaces
  • have control characters
  • have Unicode characters with 4 or more bytes 

File or Folder Names That: 

  • end with: ., ~, ._attribs_, ._rights_, ._egn_, _egnmeta, .tmp, -spotlight, .dwl, .dwl1, .dwl2, .ac$, .sv$, *.~vsdx
  • start with: ._, .~, word work file, _egn_., .smbdelete
  • start with: ~ and end with .idlk, .xlsx, .xlsx (deleted), .pptx, .pptx (deleted)
  • start with: ~$ and ends with .doc, .docx, .docx (deleted), .rtf, .ppt, .pptx, .pptx (deleted), .xlsm, .xlsm (deleted), .sldlfp, .slddrw, .sldprt, .sldasm
  • are PDF temp files starting with aa followed by a single letter followed by five numbers, e.g. aau38221
  • end with .$$$, e.g. myFile.$$$, and are uploaded from the Desktop App 

Folders Names That:

  • match one of the following exactly: .data, .tmp
  • start with: .spotlight-

Files and folders containing these characters will not upload or sync, and may encounter other restrictions.


If you attempt to sync files or folders names containing these characters, Box Synmay c prompt you to rename the item using the underscore character.

Box OS-independent restrictions:

  • Box does not support ‘/’ and ‘\’ anywhere in a file or folder name or whitespaces at the beginning or end of a file or folder name.

Windows OS restrictions:

  • Box does not impose any additional restrictions.
  • If Windows does not support certain characters in file names, Box marks them as problem files. See the list of Windows file name restrictions. Windows file name restrictions also shown below:
    • < (less than)
    • > (greater than)
    • : (colon)
    • ” (double quote)
    • / (forward slash)
    • \ (backslash)
    • | (vertical bar or pipe)
    • ? (question mark)
    • * (asterisk)
  • Windows does not support folder names that begin and end with a . (period) character.

Mac OS restrictions:

  • Box does not support opening spaces.
  • Box does not recognize Mac’s character conversion in file names (for example, Mac changes any occurrence of / to : in file names).
  • If Mac does not support certain characters in file names, Box marks them as problem files. See the list of OS X: Cross-platform filename best practices and conventions.

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